Bashers Masters looking for players

Sport: Softball
Name: Grant Bedford
Division: 35+ div 5-8
Gender: Male

Hello softball family,

Bashers master are a Sydney based mens team seeking players to join our gold medal winning team from 2022.

Due to unforeseeable reasons a few of our players have had to withdraw from this year’s games.

We are currently looking for 4-6 players to fill the void left from those players withdrawing. We currently have 9 players confirmed and could definitely do with a pitcher or 2 and a catcher to share the workload. However any position you play will be fine and any experience level we don’t discriminate.

We have some very nice accommodation already confirmed where the team can be together at a very affordable price for 12 days plus transport to and from the grounds as one of our players owns a coach company and will have one of his buses.

We are all an easy going family orientated softball club that compete to our highest standards and have fun.

If this sounds like you please do not hesitate to reach out me via the details provided.


Grant (president of Bashers Masters)